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Games for the House

These are simple games and activities that you can play at home with your child to promote learning.



Number Comparisons

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

While waiting to eat get out several forks and spoons or have your students look at their food on their plates.  See if your child can identify which group has more or less or even the same amount of items. 


Letter Identification

Letter Hunt

Randomly throughout the day point to letters on the TV, boxes of food, clothes, etc. and ask your child to identify the letter and the sound it makes.  If your child already knows all of their letters then complete this activity but instead of asking to identify letters ask your child to read words.  


Print Concepts

Read, Read, Read

Nothing promotes print concept awareness better than sharing a book together. When reading aloud, point to the words as you read, have your child turn the pages so they are engaged in the story, talk about the pictures and how it relates to what you just read.  Encourage your child to read along with you or to you.  Your child should read or listen to you read aloud for at least 20 minutes each day.  



Side Walk Chalk Fun


Letters, Numbers, or Words


Take your child outside and write letters, numbers, words, or even sentences on the sidewalk and have your child read or identify what you write.  You can also call out numbers, words, letters, or sentences to your child and have them write down what you say.