page contents

community helpers clipart | Free Community Helpers Clip Art Pictures | Community  helpers preschool, Community helpers, Community helpers theme Community Helpers - This room teaches students about community helpers. 



Bitmoji Image Famous Americans - This room teaches students about famous Americans.  Each name links to several differnet videos to discover and learn about these historical figures.  


Bitmoji Image  Halloween Search and Find - This is a game for students to look for images hidden in a Halloween picture. 



  readingHalloween Read Alouds - This link has tons of Halloween books read aloud.  


  Skeleton Shakedown- This is a fun game where students have to put together a human skeleton.  


  My Plate- This is a wonderful game for students to learn about the different food groups.   


  Animal Habitats- This is a wonderful website to research endangered animals and their habitats.

  50 States Information Guide-This is a great website that offers facts about the 50 states.  

  Name that State-A great game to practice naming states with or without outlines and to practice naming state capitals.  

  Ben's Guide-A great website that offers information, games, and activities on the US Government.